Napkin Hearts
Posted on February 03 2020

Not just for Valentine's Day, knowing how to fold a napkin into a heart comes in handy all year long. We used a red and white checked cotton tenugui, but you can use any napkin, dishtowel, or rectangular piece of fabric. It couldn't be much simpler, and is a pretty satisfying little piece of knowledge to have. So stick this bow in your quiver and shoot it.
How To Fold a Napkin into a Heart:
1. Fold your napkin into a thin rectangle. We folded our tenugui into thirds and then in half because it was quite long.
2. Fold one end of the rectangle up at about the middle.
3. Fold the other end up to meet it.
4. Fold all 4 corners under to form points.
Napkin Hearts for everyone. Xx